Terms and Conditions

Shungite chi

Shungite-Chi sells products in the field of spirituality, well-being and nature.

Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions apply to all agreements concluded between Shungite-Chi Minerals and consumers, regardless of the means of communication used.

By placing your order, you as a consumer indicate that you are aware of and agree to the delivery and payment conditions. Shungite-Chi Minerals has the right to change its delivery and/or payment conditions. Shungite-Chi Minerals cannot accept any liability for the consequences of typographical errors.

The delivery and payment conditions of Shungite-Chi Minerals have been filed with the Chamber of Commerce. These delivery and payment conditions are also available on request.

Nothing in any form whatsoever from the Shungite-Chi Minerals website may be used by third parties without permission from Shungite-Chi Minerals. All rights are reserved to:

Shungite Chi
De Corridor 14J 3621ZB Breukelen, PO Box 31, 1243ZG s’Graveland

    • in writing: De Corridor 14J 3621ZB Breukelen,

Chamber of Commerce number 32137201

Chamber of Commerce number 32137201

VAT ID number NL002407520B59

Without express, prior written permission from Shungite-Chi, it is not permitted to copy, move or save these images and texts for any purpose.

Supply &  Compliance

Shungite-Chi has done its utmost to depict the offered goods and photographic images clearly and truthfully and to provide as complete information as possible to the extent reasonably required so that it is clear to you as a consumer what the rights and obligations are that the acceptance of the offer is linked. This concerns in particular the price, the right of withdrawal, the method of payment, the minimum duration of the distance contract, the shipping costs and other conditions. However, the information in (internet) catalogues, images and drawings, as well as general size and weight statements or other informative expressions from Shungite-Chi, cannot be seen as an offer, but as an invitation from Shungite-Chi to you as a consumer. to make an offer.

If the offer has a limited period of validity, this limitation will be clearly stated.

Shungite-Chi guarantees that the products meet the specifications stated in the offer, meet the reasonable requirements of reliability and/or usability and do not conflict with existing legal provisions and/or government regulations.

Approval period

“Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from the agreement within 14 days without giving reasons. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day on which you or a third party designated by you, who is not the carrier, acquires physical possession of the goods. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (De Corridor 14J 3621ZB Breukelen, Nederland, +31-643468518, [email protected]) by an unambiguous statement (e.g. in writing by post, fax or e-mail) of your decision to withdraw from the agreement. You can use the attached model withdrawal form for this, but you are not obliged to do so. To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send your communication regarding your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

Consequences of the revocation.

If you revoke the agreement, you will receive all payments you have made up to that time, including delivery costs (with the exception of any additional costs resulting from your choice of a different method of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us) without delay and in any case, no later than 14 days after we have been informed of your decision to withdraw from the agreement. We will refund you using the same payment method you used for the original transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any case, no fees will be charged for such refunds. We may wait with reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have demonstrated that you have returned the goods, whichever comes first.

You must return or hand over the goods to us without delay, but in any case no later than 14 days after the day on which you communicate your decision to withdraw from the agreement to us. You are on time if you return the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. The direct costs of the return are at your expense. You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from use of the goods that goes beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

Excluded from the right of withdrawal is a consumer purchase that concerns the delivery of: – products manufactured according to the consumer’s specifications, which are not prefabricated and which are manufactured on the basis of an individual choice or decision of the consumer, or which are clearly intended for a specific person to be destined. Products that are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene and of which the seal has been broken after delivery; – products that are irrevocably mixed with other items after delivery due to their nature.

Security & Privacy

Shungite-Chi takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the electronic transmission of personal information and in particular payments.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is the most widely used security protocol on the Internet and is used to encrypt data exchanged between a consumer and a server. SSL is a specific way of encoding data that makes it impossible for third parties to read messages. All browsers support SSL and therefore indicate when this security is in effect. Usually it is a padlock as a symbol. It is a global standard for secure payments via the internet.

Your personal data will be included in Shungite-Chi’s customer base. This data can be used for commercial purposes. If you, as a consumer, indicate that you do not wish to receive commercial communications by post, telephone, e-mail, etc., this request will of course be respected.

You have the right to inspect your data and to correct or delete this data. All your data is treated in accordance with the guidelines of the Personal Data Protection Act. This means that the information you provide will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided. No data will be provided to third parties or made available for inspection.


Shungite-Chi can inform itself within legal frameworks whether you as a consumer can meet the payment obligations, as well as all those facts and factors that are important for a responsible conclusion of the distance contract. Shungite-Chi is entitled to refuse an order or request with reasons or to attach special conditions to the delivery. Refusal solely because of address or place of residence or because the consumer belongs to any social group or population group is not permitted.

Shungite-Chi will also provide the consumer with the following information – at the latest during the execution of the agreement:

4. in writing the conditions under which and the manner in which the consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal;
5. the geographical address of the company’s branch where the consumer can go with complaints;
6. the information about existing after-sales service and commercial guarantees.


The price agreed between Shungite-Chi and you as a consumer includes VAT and excludes other costs, unless expressly agreed otherwise between the parties.

Prices are subject to change and may be changed without notice until the time of the agreement.

Price increases after the conclusion of the agreement are not permitted unless:

7. the price increase is the result of legal regulations or provisions or;
8. the consumer has the authority to cancel the distance contract on the day on which the price increase takes effect.


Deliveries of products are only made upon express order, unless otherwise agreed between Shungite-Chi Minerals and you as a consumer.

The place of delivery is the consumer’s home address that was last communicated to the company, unless otherwise agreed. You will receive a confirmation of the order by e-mail.

Shungite-Chi will execute accepted orders expeditiously, generally within 1-3 working days, but at least within 14 days. If delivery is delayed either due to (temporary) out of stock or for other reasons, or if an order cannot be fulfilled or can only be partially fulfilled, you will receive notice of this, generally within 1-3 working days, but no later than within 14 days after the order has been placed. You always have the right to cancel the order without costs.

If delivery of an ordered good proves to be impossible, Shungite-Chi will make such efforts as are reasonable and fair to make a replacement item available or the agreement will be terminated at your initiative or on Shungite-Chi Minerals’ initiative. Before shipment, it will be clearly stated that a replacement item can be delivered. In this case, the costs of return shipping will be borne by Shungite-Chi Minerals.

All goods delivered by Shungite-Chi Minerals remain the property of Shungite-Chi Minerals until full payment has been made for these goods. Until then, the goods remain claimable without reservation and these goods must remain in their original condition.

Your order is insured against loss, damage and theft during transport until delivery.


Payment methods:

  • Cash or
  • via Mollie, various payment methods

As a consumer, you have the obligation to report inaccuracies in the information provided or stated to Shungite-Chi Minerals without delay.

In the event of non-payment, Shungite-Chi Minerals has the right, subject to legal restrictions, to charge the reasonable costs communicated to you in advance.

Payment must be credited to Shungite-Chi Minerals’ account within 14 days. If this is not the case, it will be assumed that you no longer wish to receive the order and the order will be cancelled.


Agreements between Shungite-Chi Minerals and the consumer to which these general terms and conditions apply are exclusively governed by Dutch law.

Shipping costs

The Netherlands:

For standard shipping within the Netherlands, € 0.00 order amount above 70 euros or € 6.10 below an order amount of 70 euros, with a maximum of 20 kilos, will be charged in shipping and packaging costs, regardless of the number of items. The shipment will generally be delivered within approximately 2 to 3 working days (after payment).

Outside The Netherlands:

For standard shipping to Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg up to 20 kg, 9.34 euros with Free shipping from € 100.00 up to 20 kg, regardless of the number of items, shipping and packaging costs will be charged. The shipment will be delivered after payment. The shipment will generally be delivered within approximately 5 working days (after payment). The shipment may be delayed due to customs clearance.


A surcharge may apply for certain items due to exceptional weight/size. This is then stated with the product.

Your order will be shipped (on average within 1-2 working days) after receipt of your payment.

Most items are usually available from stock. Some items have a longer delivery time and it may happen that an item is temporarily out of stock. A number of items are only manufactured after an order has been placed. In that case, this is clearly stated in the article. You will also be notified, usually within 1-2 working days, but always within 14 days, and Shungite-Chi Minerals will keep your order.

If subsequent delivery is ultimately no longer possible, we will notify you and your order will be cancelled. All reported or stated delivery times are an indication and do not lead to any rights or liability. You will receive confirmation of the shipment of the ordered products by e-mail.

If you are not at home when the order is delivered, you will receive a collection message from the carrier to collect the order yourself. If a shipment is not collected on time (within 3 weeks), it will be returned to Shungite-Chi Minerals. You will be charged the costs of this return shipment.


All warranty provisions of the manufacturers of the products and photographic images and applications supplied by Shungite-Chi Minerals apply in full to you as a customer of our products.

Complaints & Questions

If you are not satisfied with a delivery or have any questions regarding your order, you can always contact us.